Edisson Quituisaca of Sleepy Hollow


About Edisson Quituisaca of Sleepy Hollow

Originally born in Ecuador, Edisson Quituisaca is a veteran of the US Marine Corps who served from 2013 to 2017. Edisson attended Manhattanville College following his career in the service and studied criminal justice and law. Currently, Edisson serves as a contract security professional and as an instructor at a shooting center.

Edisson Quituisaca is well known by colleagues and clients for his commitment to a job well done and profound interest in safety and security. Those who have worked with Edisson in the Marine Corp, in private security, and at the range consistently mention his extensive knowledge on his areas of expertise, interest in continuing learning, and willingness to teach others. In his free time, Edisson enjoys spending time hunting, fishing, and spending time with his family.

What Can Readers Expect from EdissonQuituisacaSleepyHollow.com?


EdissonQuituisacaSleepyHollow.com is a platform for those who wish to grow their understanding of areas such as private security, the Marine Corp, veteran life, and more. Edisson mentions that accessible content that addresses a wide variety of topics can be incredibly valuable for readers looking to make more informed decisions in these spaces, learn more about crucial processes, keep up with recent field developments, and seize available opportunities. To this end, EdssonQuituisacaSleepyHollow.com will feature include interesting information linked to Edisson’s areas of expertise.

Content featured on this site will include information such as:

Marine Corp Resources

Edisson Quituisaca served in the United States Marine Corp for years and, through his experience, he learned a great deal about the service and life as a marine. Whether you are considering a career in the Marine Corp, are currently a member, or are simply interested in learning about the processes involved in service, this site has you covered. Content inspired by Edisson’s career insights will cover a variety of topics linked to the military space. Readers can expect future posts will include information on the sign up process, skills that a career in the Marine Corp instills in members, and tips for leveraging a past career in the Marine Corp for future opportunities.

Veteran Content

This site hopes to draw from Edisson’s experience as a veteran to share insights that can be helpful for individuals who are stepping back into civilian life. Edisson Quituisaca of Sleepy Hollow speaks to how each veteran’s experience is personal and unique, however, many can benefit from resources that demystify the return to civilian life, exploring new career paths, and connecting with others who have similar experience. Future veteran content featured on this site will cover insights on institutions and organizations currently working to support veterans, helpful steps for adapting to life as a civilian, skills veterans have built through their military experience that can be leveraged in other fields, and more.

Private Security Insights

The private security sector is in a state of constant development to adapt to security and safety needs of clients. Edisson recognizes that insights into the space can be valuable for professionals and clients alike as they look to learn more about the processes involved in safety and security. Future private security content inspired by Edisson Quituisaca of Sleepy Hollow’s insights will break down a variety of topics such as common reasons for hiring a private security firm, skills developed through a career in security, and interesting developments leading the way towards advancement in the field.

Shooting Range Information

Edisson’s experience as a shooting range instructor has been vital in empowering him to learn more about the field, its processes, and crucial safety information. He mentions that one of his favorite things about the shooting range is that there is always more to learn and additional ways to grow your skills, accuracy, and comfortability handling firearms. Whether you are experienced at handling firearms or are just starting out, this site will provide comprehensive information that explores multiple topics linked to the shooting range. Content will include shooting range safety information, tips for improving accuracy, telltale signs of well-run ranges, and qualities of successful shooting range instructors.

Recent Industry Developments

One of the primary goals of this site is to keep readers up to speed on recent developments in Marine Corp, private security, shooting range, and veteran spaces. Reason being following news can be beneficial for professionals, supporters, and those who wish to keep up with recent changes to best practices, policies, technologies and supporting applications, and the future of these industries. This site will also include Edisson’s insights on recent developments as well as their scope and impact. If you are interested in following industry developments from the lens of an experienced professional and veteran, look no further than EdissonQuituisacaSleepyHollow.com.

Interested in More from Edisson Quituisaca?

Edisson Quituisaca of Sleepy Hollow acknowledges that, today, there are many individuals who want to better understand key concepts in fields such as the military, security, and more. Through content that explores his areas of expertise and include insights on a variety of topics, Edisson aims to help readers follow developments, access informative content, and make informed decisions within military, security, and shooting range spaces.

Would you like to learn more about the Marine Corp, veteran life, private security, and more from an experienced professional such as Edisson Quituisaca of Sleepy Hollow? Be sure to check out this site frequently for more informative content inspired by Edisson’s insights.